Little Boobs
At my nans house for her birthday and I had to sit like this the whole day as I had socks down my bra to pad it out lol, I think I should have worried more about the hair I had brushed straight!
I was so desperate for a straight wedge that I could flick about.
Last weeks blog was all about the girls with more than a handful, so its only fair, this weeks is all about the little biddy gnat bites!
First and most important of all – learn to be thankful for what we have been given and work out what suits us best.
FACT There will always be someone with perfect tits, teeth and tummy but you can bet there’s something they hate about themselves with the same passion as you might your chest sooooooo be kind to yourself!!!!!
Today we have so many options available to us that there’s really no point wasting time whingeing.
As with big boobs, a good bra is just as important – Other wise its sort of like baking bread and forgetting the yeast!
Your bra or lack of it, I truly believe, can make or break an outfit, so celebrate what you have or haven’t got.
A good bra will either be adding shape and size – if you have boobie envy or simply allowing you to wear a thin white t-shirt without drawing attention at the school gates.
After all there’s a time and a place to be winking!
No matter how small they are its important to support them as over time they will sag and stretch.?
& no it doesn’t have to be a training bra, take a look at
- bralettes (also great to sleep in as they are not under wired),
- under wired contour bras,
- Calvin Klein large – waistband triangle unlined bra,
- bandeau bras ,
- Lace ,silky or sheer Triangle Bras
then there’s all the……
- push up,
- bump up bras that can take you up two cup sizes!
for the girls that want to look like they have more
What suits little boobs best?
GOOD TOPS – to make them look bigger
- HIGH NECK VEST – with cut away sleeves because attention is drawn to the arms
- SLASH NECK – with cap sleeves – the slash broadens shoulders
- HALTERNECKS – Show off a shoulder which is a sexy substitute to a cleavage.
- SLEEVELESS TOPS – with detailed front panels- frills cover the chest and make up for what is not there.
- WHITE SHIRT– undone or knotted with a lace bralette or lace body.
- SLOGAN T -SHIRTS – look loads better on flat chested girls
- THIN STRAP TOPS – you can make the most of not having to worry about bra straps showing.
But look how these girls have gone against all the so called rules and celebrated having a small chest by adding a lacy bra , statement necklaces, that hang down to where your bustling begins.
They have embraced not having any boobs and that confidence is sexy!
NOT GOOD TOPS – for small boobs if you want them to look bigger.
- LOW SCOOP NECK– accentuates a bony chest
- DEEP V- NECKS – they can act like an arrow pointing to the lack of boobs.( a white shirt unbuttoned low with a lace body on a flat chest looks lovely?though)
- BOOB TUBES – can make you look even more flat chested.
- High neck dresses
- Plunging neckline down to navel.
- Backless – a beautiful back is just as desirable as a huge chest!
- Fit and Flare shirt styles are good – with a statement belt to highlight your waist.
- Empire Line – just hangs can make you look like you have a big stomach.
- Be careful with Corset dresses – nothing looks worse than if you cant fill it out so the boob pops in – highlighting the lack of chest + you will spent all night hoisting it back up.
Bold patterns, pockets and frills that lay on the chest will help as will a scarf looped around and hanging low on your chest to create volume.
Remember the fashion world for years has always designed for small busts it has always been considered chic!
This Weeks Fav
These Khaki Elastic back animal print non crease crop trousers – easy wear.
I have lived in mine – £6.99 £6.99 £6.99 size 8 -18
link to buy
Phebs has had to get her little brother to take the pictures this week in her back garden bless him ?
Have a great week girls
Stay well, look forward to seeing you all as soon as its safe.
xxx Jane Hume xxx